You Are Here: Greyghost > Features Page > Microsoft Windows KB955704 ExFAT Updater
Microsoft Windows KB955704 ExFAT Updater
for Windows XP 32-bit, Windows XP x86-64, and Windows Server 2003

It is a continual source of mystery to me why so many companies refuse to support their older products in perpetuity...or at least for as long as they're in business!

Microsoft produced an update for certain versions of Windows that enabled them to read and write ExFAT formatted volumes. Only their download links for the 32-bit Windows XP version of the update seem to have gone bad. After spending a very frustrating amount of time engaged in fruitless web searches for the update, I came to the conclusion that it simply couldn't be downloaded anywhere.

I'd love to know how someone can be selected by Microsoft for their "MVP" program when it's obvious that they are not merely a tool, they are the whole damn bag of tools. If you can't or won't help someone, don't hinder or harass them.

So. You're probably here because you have the same problem. Here's your answer: no spam, no malware, and no BS or other shenanigans. These are the untouched original files as digitally signed by Microsoft Corporation. I grabbed 'em all because I'm sure the darkness will fall on all of them eventually.

Windows XP SP2/SP3 (32-bit, all editions)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 (32-bit)
Windows Server 2003 SP2 x86-64 or Windows XP x86-64 edition (not IA-64!)
(and rather surprisingly...) Windows Server 2003 (IA-64 edition)

I scanned these files for viruses and malware when I uploaded them. But don't take my word for it, scan them for yourself to be sure. VirusTotal is as good of a place as any. Or you can use your own virus scanning software, which you certainly should be using if you're running Windows.

I'm not affiliated with Microsoft Corporation in any way, shape or form. It's possible that the 32-bit Windows XP version of KB955704 was pulled because it had some kind of flaw. I don't know if it does, all I can say is that it works for me. I am, however, guaranteeing absolutely nothing. You use this updater ENTIRELY AT YOUR OWN RISK as I am NOT RESPONSIBLE for any results you may encounter, good or bad. Don't even think about harassing me in any way, shape or form.

I am not a technical support service for Microsoft software. I will not provide any support for any matter pertaining to this software: its usage, download, etc.

As I don't know what Microsoft's redistribution policy for hotfixes and such may be, it's possible that they could request the removal of this web page and the downloads above. And if they do so, I'll have to comply. Thus, if you're interested in these files, I'd suggest you get them while you can. This is NOT a Microsoft owned or operated web site! Microsoft does not approve or endorse any of the information posted on this server!

Do NOT link to this site from ANY kind of high volume service or web site. Doing so will make this page go away.

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Original text © 2016 by William R. Walsh. Some rights reserved. Copyright for the software updates linked above remains with Microsoft Corporation. I claim no right to the software whatsoever. This web page is provided strictly as a community service. Donations are not accepted and will be refused.