Heathkit GR-64 Communications Receiver

Heathkit GR-64 Receiver

Uhhhmm...well, yes. I found this little receiver being sold at a very low price around a nearby hamfest. It didn't originally look this bad...but in May of 2004 the sewer failed outside my home. This filled my basement with about 37 inches of terribly nasty water. Unfortunately, I'd been moving things around the night before, and this radio was one of them. Without even considering the possibility of a basement flood, this radio and several books were placed on the floor.

The books were a loss, but this radio survived. It is extremely dirty now, and chemicals from the sewer appear to have done some damage to the bright chrome trim on the front of the case. Some of the controls need to be tightened, and others appear to be stiff. Both tuning dials work, but slippage of the dial cord is now becoming a problem. Heat from somewhere in this set has caused the front dial cover to warp slightly. You may be able to see the inward-pointing warp in the center of the dial.

I was in the midst of troubleshooting problems with this radio when the flood came. To this day I still haven't worked very much on this set. It powers up and plays even today, but bands C and D seem to be almost completely lifeless.

I don't know much about this radio, other than it uses four tubes, was offered for sale in the mid-60s and tunes from 0.55 to 30MHz across four bands.

I have not "given up hope" on this radio yet. It may need a lot of work, and I may take a long time to get it done, but I do want to clean it up and get all the bands working.

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