IBM SNAPDUMP/2 Data Collector and Formatter C. W. (Bill) Rogers Austin, Texas February 06, 1991 çççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Introduction SnapDump is a set of tools which assists with problem determination in the OS/2 environment. SnapDump provides the ability to capture a wide variety of system data into a single, easily transportable file. The collection of data is controlled by the contents of a tailorable flat ASCII file. Although a sample version of this file is shipped with SnapDump (SNAPDUMP.DAT), this ASCII file can be easily modified by support personnel to customize the collection of data. In addition, SnapDump provides an easy-to-use menu interface for displaying the contents of the output file that contains the system data collected by SnapDump. Data Collection SnapDump includes a program (SNAPDUMP.EXE) that provides the ability to collect many types of data. The data collected falls into four categories: * Files (binary and ASCII) * Data areas contained in named shared segments * Standard output and standard error from programs invoked by SnapDump * Environmental information automatically collected by the SnapDump data collection program. * The system trace buffer (if the system trace is active) Formatting the Data SnapDump includes a program (SNAPDF.EXE) which provides a PM interface useful for viewing and formatting the contents of a file that contains the data collected by SnapDump. The formatting program provides three views of the data: * Hexadecimal plus ASCII * Hexadecimal plus EBCDIC * ASCII only The view of the data is toggled with the PF12 key. The SnapDump formatter can also be used to extract data from the SnapDump output file, returning it to its original binary format. This is particularly useful for binary files that require specialized tools or programs to view them in a meaningful way (for example, the Communications Manager configuration file). Utilities A set of utility programs are provided with SnapDump, to assist in the collection of data helpful when performing problem determination. QMC.EXE Provides hardware specific information FINDSEG.EXE Displays segment information NETSESS2.EXE Local LAN session information DIRSTAT.EXE Exhibits adapter information NCBSTAT.EXE Displays Netbios information Page 1 See SnapDump Utility Prgrams on page 12 for more information on the utilities. ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Operating Environment There are no special requirements, other than OS/2. SnapDump will operate in the following environments: * SE 1.2 through SE 2.0 * EE 1.2 through EE 1.30.2 * SE 1.30.1 (including Extended Services) * SE 1.30.2 (including Extended Services and LAN Server 2.0) ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç The SnapDump Package SnapDump consists of the following files: SNAPDUMP.EXE The data collection program SNAPDF.EXE The data formatter program SNAPDUMP.DAT Sample ASCII input file for the collection program SNAPDUMP.INF On-line documentation for SnapDump SNPNL001.HLP Help file for SnapDump QMC.EXE Qsystem program to display hardware information FINDSEG.EXE Program to display segment information NETSESS2.EXE Local LAN session statistical and status DIRSTAT.EXE 802.2 adapter level information NCBSTAT.EXE Netbios status information ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Installing SnapDump These installation instructions assume that you are familiar with using the OS/2 full screen session command line and that you wish to create a separate directory on the C drive for SnapDump. You may substitute a different drive letter and directory name and/or omit steps where appropriate. 1 Download the SNAPDRIV EXEBIN file. 2 Create a directory for SNAPDUMP (e.g. 'mkdir SNAPDUMP). 3 Execute the following: 'SNAPDRIV -d -o c:\XXXXXXXX', this will place executable into directory 'XXXXXXXX'. ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Collecting Data with SnapDump The SnapDump data collection program (:hp2.SNAPDUMP.EXE:ehp2.) utilizes a flat ASCII file as input. This file contains the instructions that specify what data is to be collected (e.g. files, memory areas), and what data gathering programs are to be invoked. This flat file approach makes data collection with SnapDump very flexible in that it can be easily tailored to add or remove items to be collected. When run, SnapDump will produce a single output file that contains all collected data. SnapDump is invoked from the command line. There are three forms of the command: SNAPDUMP Page 2 This form of the command assumes that the input file, snapdump.dat, exists, and that it contains a list of files, data and programs to be processed by SnapDump. The output file defaults to, snapdump.dmp. SNAPDUMP {input-fname} The {input-fname} parameter is the name of the flat ASCII file that contains the list of items to be captured. The output file defaults to snapdump.dmp. SNAPDUMP {input-fname dump-fname} The {input-fname} parameter is the name of the flat ASCII file that contains the list of items to be captured. The {dump-fname} parameter is the name of the file into which SnapDump will write all the captured data. In this document, it is also called the SnapDump output file. SnapDump Input File The SnapDump input file controls the information to be captured in the SnapDump output file. The SnapDump input file may be edited with any ASCII editor, including the OS/2 system editor. The following describes the types of information that can be captured and how it is to be specified in the flat file. * A 'f/' in column 1 indicates that a file is to be captured. For example: f/config.sys When a file is captured, the contents of the file are appended to the SnapDump output file. Wildcards may be specified, but be aware that the SnapDump output file may become very large if the wildcard specification is too broad. Note that files that are "in-use", such as the Communications Manager 'MESSAGE.DAT' and 'ERROR.DAT' files are collected by SnapDump. * A 'p/' in column 1 indicates that the specified program is to be invoked. For example: p/c:\qmc.exe -d Any programs (including .CMD files) that can be run from the OS/2 command prompt and that write to standard output and/or standard error may be specified. The standard output and/or standard error output of the program is appended to the SnapDump output file. The output of programs that use other techniques of writing to the screen, such as Presentation Manager "Win" calls or "VIO" calls, cannot be captured by SnapDump. Page 3 * A 'm/' in column 1 indicates that a named shared memory segment ("\SHAREMEM\...") is to be captured. For example: m/\SHAREMEM\ACS\RAS_SEG The contents of the named shared segment are appended to the SnapDump output file. Wildcards for named shared memory are not allowed. Certain named shared memory segments are protected and cannot be dumped. The names of the named shared memory files in the system may be obtained by issuing the following command at the command prompt: pstat /m * Any other value in column one causes the line to be treated as a comment. If the system trace is active, the system trace buffer is automatically captured by SnapDump and appended to the SnapDump output file. Searching for Files When SnapDump scans for files, it will search all accessible drives, including shared drives on servers and diskette drives. Multiple instances of a file will be collected, if they exist. Sample SnapDump Input File The following SnapDump input file is shipped with SnapDump, and can be modified as required: * OS/2 information f/config.* f/syslevel.* f/startup.cmd f/*.ini f/os20001.dat f/log0001.dat * * FFST/2 files * f/epw.ini f/snapdump.dat f/os2mlog.dat p/dir c:\os2\system\*.dmp * (continued...) Page 4 * Communication Manager * p/display.exe f/*.cfg f/*.ndf f/*.sec f/*.cf2 f/error.dat f/message.dat f/esinst.hst f/ f/acslan.log f/c2instal.log f/install.log f/message.log f/custbld.hst f/cmfeater.dat m/\sharemem\acs\ras_seg * * Database Manager * f/sqldbdir f/sqlsystm f/sqldbcon f/sqluif.* f/sqlnodir f/sqlgwdir f/sqlogctl.lfh f/dbdrqlib.cfg * * LAN Server 2.0 * f/net.err f/net.acc f/net.aud * * LAN status command * *p/net statistics requester *p/net statistics server *p/net config requester *p/net config server *p/net files *p/net sessions *p/net share *p/net status *p/net view *p/net who * * Workstation Status Programs * *p/netsess2.exe *p/ncbstat.exe 0 * *p/dirstat.exe p/findseg -S C:\ p/qmc.exe -d p/pstat.exe Page 5 ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Formatting Data Collected with SnapDump The SnapDump Format Utility provides an easy to use menu interface to select and display the contents of the SnapDump output file. Because each data item collected in the dump file is tagged with an "entry title", it is very easy to select a specific data item for display. It is not necessary to display the entire dump file. In addition, the SnapDump Format Utility can be used to extract a specified data item, returning it to its original binary format. This is particular useful for binary files that require specialized formatters. The binary file can be extracted from the dump file and stored as an individual file in its original binary format. The SnapDump Format utility can be accessed directly from the command line by entering the following command: SNAPDF {dump-fname} The {dump-fname} parameter is the name of the dump file containing data previously captured with an invocation of SNAPDUMP. If the {dump-fname} parameter is supplied, or 'snapdump.dmp' exists, the 'Dump Formatter' window will be displayed. If no dump file name is specified and a file named 'snapdump.dmp' does not exist, the following standard file 'Open' dialog box will appear to assist the user in selecting a dump file name. Page 6 The file 'open' dialog will appear as follows: Ôçç›çççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççä ú==ú OPEN ú Žççžççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç… ú ú ú Ôççççççççççç›ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççä ú ú úFile name: ú *.dmp ú ú ú Óçççççççççççžççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççã ú ú ú ú Ôçççççççççççççç›ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççä ú ú úDirectory is: ú C:\SNAPDUMP\ ú ú ú Óççççççççççççççžççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççã ú ú Ôççççççççççççççä Ôççççççççççççççä ú ú ú Files: ú ú Directories: ú ú ú Óççççççççççççççã Óççççççççççççççã ú ú Ôçççççççççççççççççççç›ççä Ôçççççççççççççççççççç›ççä ú ú ú SNAPDUMP.DMP ú ú ú .. ú ú ú ú ú Žçç… ú ÕA:å Žçç… ú ú ú ú ú ú ÕC:å ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú Žçç›çççççççççççççççççÉçç… Žçç›çççççççççççççççççÉçç… ú ú ú<-ú ú->ú ú ú ú ú ú ú Óççžçççççççççççççççççžççã Óççžçççççççççççççççççžççã ú ú ú ú Ôççççççççä Ôççççççççä Ôççççççççä ú ú ú Open ú ú Cancel ú ú Help ú ú ú Óççççççççã Óççççççççã Óççççççççã ú ú ú Óççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççã The Tab and Shift+Tab keys, as well as the mouse, may be used to move between controls in the dialog box. The Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys may be used to move between the 'Open', 'Cancel', and 'Help' buttons. The user may press the F1 key, or click on the 'Help' button to obtain context-sensitive help on the current (focus) control of the dialog box. The 'Directory is:' field is read-only; it allows the user to see long subdirectory names. Only files identified as SnapDump or First Failure Support Technology/2 (FFST/2) dump files will appear in the 'Files:' listbox. The user may enter any file name in the 'File Name:' entry field. The dump formatter will ensure the file is a SnapDump or FFST/2 dump file. Once a dump file and the 'Open' button are selected: the 'Dump Formatter' window will display the formatted SnapDump data as well as a list of the data items captured by Snapdump. SnapDump Dump Format on page 10 illustrates what this display may look like ('after maximizing the window'): Page 7 Ôçç›çççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›ççç›çççä ú==ú Dump Formatter ú ú ú Žççžççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžçççžççç… ú File Options Help ú Žççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç… ú SNAPDUMP.DMP Õ1å ú ú Ôççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›çççä ú ú úIBM SNAPDUMP/2 Õ2å ú V ú ú ú Óçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžçççã ú ú ú ú Õ3å 09-04-1991 16:10:36.75 SNAPDUMP ú ú ú ú Ôççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›çççä ú ú úProcess Environment Õ4å Õ5åú V ú ú ú Óçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžçççã ú ú ú Žççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç… ú ú Žççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›ç… úCOMSPEC=C:\OS2\CMD.EXE ú ú úPATH=C:\OS2;C:\MUGLIB;C:\OS2\SYSTEM;C:\CMLIB;C:\CMLIB\APPN;C:\OS2\INSTALLŽç… úDPATH=C:\OS2;C:\MUGLIB\DLL;C:\CMLIB;C:\CMLIB\APPN;C:\OS2\SYSTEM;C:\OS2\INú ú úPROMPT=$iÕ$på ú ú úKEYS=ON Õ6å ú ú úBOOKSHELF=C:\OS2\BOOK; ú ú úHELP=C:\OS2\HELP; ú ú ú ú ú úC:\snapdump\SNAPDUMP.EXE ú ú úsnapdump ú ú ú snapdump.dat ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú ú Žç… ú ú ú Óçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžçã Initial SnapDump Format Screen The SnapDump Dump Formatter screen needs to be maximized to view all the data. The first field in the window (see Õ1å) is the dump file currently being displayed (for example: SNAPDUMP.DMP). The second field in the window (see Õ2å) contains a unique dump segment identifier. If the SnapDump file contains a large number of data entries (where a data entry represents a capture file, output from a program, or a shared segment), the dump file will be segmented. Each segment is identified in this field, which can be scrolled by using the down-arrow on the right. Use the down-arrow at the right of this field to see the complete list of segments, and to select the desired segment. Segmentation only occurs after approximately 300 data entries are collected. Page 8 The third field in the window (see Õ3å) is the date and time of the dump as well as an the identifier of the of the program that created the dump file (in this case, the originator is "SNAPDUMP"). The fourth field in the window (see Õ4å) contains the currently selected data item. When the Dump Formatter window is initially displayed, 'Process Environment' is pre-selected and is displayed in Õ6å. The environment information collected by SnapDump includes 'PATH:', 'DPATH:', etc.. The down arrow button (see Õ5å) can be clicked-on (or press ÕEnter:å) to get a complete list of data items captured in the SnapDump output file. See SnapDump Dump Format on page 10 for an example of a list of data items. Õ7å in SnapDump Dump Format on page 10 represents the list of data items. When the Dump Formatter window is first displayed, the sixth field in the window (see Õ6å) contains an ASCII representation of the 'Process Environment'. The data can be displayed in three formats: * Hexadecimal plus ASCII * Hexadecimal plus EBCDIC * ASCII only PF12 is used to change views of the data. Page 9 Ôçç›çççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›çç›ççä ú==ú Dump Formatter ú ú ú Žççžççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžççžçç… ú File Options Help ú Žççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç… ú SNAPDUMP.DMP Õ1å ú ú Ôçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›ççä ú ú úIBM SNAPDUMP/2 Õ2å úV ú ú ú Óççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžççã ú ú ú ú Õ3å 09-04-1991 16:10:36.75 SNAPDUMP ú ú ú ú Ôçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›ççä ú ú úProcess Environment Õ4å Õ5åúV ú ú ú Óççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžççã ú ú ú Žççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç›ççç… ú ú V ú ŽçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççÉççç… úProcess Environment ú ú úC:\CONFIG.SYS ú ú úC:\OS2\INSTALL\CONFIG.SYS ú ú úC:\CMLIB\SYSLEVEL.ACS ú ú úC:\OS2\SYSLEVEL.EPW Õ7å ú ú úC:\MUGLIB\SYSLEVEL.MUG ú ú ú\SHAREMEM\ACS\RAS_SEG ú ú ú'NET STATISTICS REQUESTER' ú ú ú'PSTAT.EXE' ú ú ú'QMC.EXE ú ú úC:\OS2\EPW.INI ú ú ú ú ú ú Žççç… ú ú A ú Óçççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççžçççã SnapDump Dump Format screen after dump file name selected In this example, the portion of the window with the list of collected data items (see Õ7å) is used to select a data item for display. To select an item for display, single click on the data item and then press 'Enter:' (or then double click on the item in Õ4å). The data can be displayed in three formats: * Hexadecimal plus ASCII * Hexadecimal plus EBCDIC * ASCII only PF12 is used to change views of the data. The F4 key may be used to toggle the visibility of the list box part of the prompted entry fields whenever the entry field (see Õ4å) has the keyboard focus keyboard focus (clicking on the down-arrow button (see Õ5å) is the equivalent). To actually select an item from the dump list or the entry list, use the up- and down-arrow keys (or the mouse if the list box control of the upper entry area is visible) and then either press Enter or double-click on the entry field portion of Õ4å to complete the selection. If a new entry is selected, it will be formatted and displayed. Page 10 Items in the list that are in quotes (for example, 'PSTAT.EXE', see Õ7å) represent programs that were invoked by SnapDump. Output from these programs is selected for viewing in the same manner as files. Files that were captured in a SnapDump output file may be copied to disk with the 'SAVE AS...' found under 'FILE:' from the action bar. Select the data item, go to the action bar and select 'FILE:', then select 'SAVE AS'. On the 'SAVE AS' dialog box set 'Select output type' to binary data and double click on 'SAVE'. For example, files such as OS2.INI should be saved as binary data to preserve their binary format. The captured file will then be written to disk. This function will not write OS/2 Extended Attributes. A new SnapDump output file can be opened by selecting 'Open' found under 'FILE' from the action bar. This is useful when multiple SnapDump output files are to be viewed. ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Transporting SnapDump Output Files If the SnapDump output file is too large to fit on a single diskette (even after packing it), the 'Backup' function provided with OS/2 can be used to store a very large file on multiple diskettes. Conversely, the 'Restore' function provided with OS/2 can be used to restore the diskette-spanning information into a single file. ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç Support for SnapDump Usage Support Usage support, for Customers and SEs, will be provided through EQUAL/ASKQ. Keyword for entries should be "SNAPDUMP". Defect Support Defect support for SnapDump will be handled through SNAPDUMP FORUM on IBMPC which will be monitored. Defect will be answered with in 2 weeks. Page 11 ççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççççç SnapDump Utility Programs Any programs that provide useful problem determination information, or status, are candidates for use with SnapDump. The following programs may be of use to you, and are installed with SnapDump: QMC.EXE Displays hardware information FINDSEG.EXE Displays segments NETSESS2.EXE Displays session statistical and status DIRSTAT.EXE Exhibits adapter information NCBSTAT.EXE Displays Netbios information The following program is provided with Extended Services for OS/2. To install this program, you must install the Communications Manager Utilities found on the Additional Features panel during initial installation (ESINST) or re-install (REINST). See the Extended Services Communications Manager Command Reference for more information about using this program. DISPLAY.EXE Displays the active SNA configuration The following program is provided with the base operating system. PSTAT.EXE Displays system information QMC The QMC program returns a wealth of useful information about the the hardware installed on the machine on which it is run. You must have the IOPL=YES in your CONFIG.SYS for QMC to function. The following options are available when invoking QMC: Options ------- -? or ? lists options (help) -A list all supported Microchannel adapters supported by QMC (can be used with the -O option to redirect to file) -D list more detailed QMC information includes : adapter configuration for Microchannel model, submodel fixed disk sectors/heads/cylinders. -O redirect output to QSYSTEM.OUT -Ofilename redirect output to file For example: QMC -Ops2data.fil would redirect the output of QCONFIG to ps2data.fil. Page 12 key=value define key with value for machine information output There is a limit of 10 keys. For example: QMC User="Jeff Muir" "Location Site"=Boca Output would include: User : Jeff Muir Location Site : Boca There are a couple of methods to handle data scrolling off the screen: QMC ] MORE (pipes information from QMC into the MORE command) QMC -O (re-directs the output to QSYSTEM.DAT) The first technique is good if you just want to view the info one screen at a time. The second technique works best for keeping a permanent copy and being able to browse/edit the results. Findseg This program searches for the specified segments within executable files. This version of Findseg operates only on 16-bit OS/2 operating systems. The key word for this search is the length of a segment. There are two basic forms of the findseg command: Usage: findseg Õswitchå Õdrive:åÕpathå Usage: findseg Õswitchå ÕUNC nameå switch: 1.Segment type -c : Report code segments only. -d : Report data segments only. -b : Report code and data segments (default). Page 13 2.Segment length -l : The string after this switch is the length of the target segment. If the length is specified as HEX format, it must start with X (or x). Spaces aren't allowed between -l and the string. If the string is 0 (or x0) the length is 65536. If this switch isn't set, all segments will be reported. -r : Report the segments whose length are between LENGTH - DELTA and LENGTH + DELTA. (LENGTH is the specified length by -l and DELTA is the specified length by this switch.) Default is -r1. 3.File type -E : Search EXE files only. -D : Search DLL files only. -S : Search SYS files only. -B : Search EXE and DLL files. One or more switches may be set. The default is -E -D -S. 4.Access rights byte -A : The string after this switch is the access right byte of the target segment. If it is specified as HEX format, it must start with X (or x). Spaces aren't allowed between -A and the string. PRESENT, ACCESSED and EXPANSION DIRECTION (data segment) bits will not be tested. This access rights byte is displayed as **ACC=?? in the TRAP-D popup panel. (**:CS, DS, SS, ES, ER, ??:Access rights byte) 5.Disassemble -I : Output disassembled code. The string after this switch is the IP value. If it is specified as HEX format, it must start with X (or x). Spaces aren't allowed between -I and the string. This switch is valid for CODE segments. In the disassembled code, the relocation information is not resolved. resolved. 6.Miscellaneous -p : Pause after a screen is full. This switch is ignored when OUTPUT is redirected to a file. -s : Search from sub-directories. drive : Drive name. Default is the current drive. path : Path name. Default is the current path. UNC name : Universal naming convention name. \\server name\net work nameÕ\pathå Page 14 Example: findseg -lx6000 -rx1000 -s -D -Ix400 C:\ This searches DLL files from a root and its all sub-directories in drive C. And it reports file names and length and attribute of segments whose size are between 0x5000 and 0x7000 bytes. They are output in the following format. Search path : C:\ and its sub-directories Search file : *.DLL Search range : 0x05000(20480)-0x07000(28672) bytes Access rights: not specified C:\MYDLL\TEST.DLL 12610bytes 90-05-10 15:25:00 004 05200 DATA FIXED NONSHARED PRELOAD R-O NORELOC PL3 DISCARDABLE C:\OS2\DLL\PMGPI.DLL 265110bytes 90-03-30 01:20:00 002 05FCC CODE MOVABLE NONSHARED LOADONCALL E/R RELOC PL2 NONDISCARDABLE Instruction: push es:Õbx+siå C:\OS2\DLL\OS2SM.DLL 64512bytes 90-03-30 01:20:00 001 05789 CODE MOVABLE NONSHARED PRELOAD E/R RELOC PL3 NONDISCARDABLE IP is invalid value. C:\OS2\DLL\DISPLAY.DLL 342016bytes 90-03-30 01:20:00 002 067DE CODE MOVABLE SHARED PRELOAD E/R RELOC PL2 NONDISCARDABLE IP is invalid value. 00A 050BE DATA MOVABLE SHARED PRELOAD R/W NORELOC PL2 NONDISCARDABLE 5 segments in 4 files Note : The meaning of each value is as follows: C:\OS2\DLL\PMGPI.DLL <--- File name 265110bytes 90-03-30 01:20:00 <--- File size and update time 001 05FCC CODE MOVABLE NONSHARED LOADONCALL E/R RELOC PL2 NONDISCARDABLE (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Instruction: push es:Õbx+siå <-- Disassembled code at IP=0x400 (1) : Entry id in segment table (2) : Minimum allocation size for the segment (3) : Segment type (CODE/DATA) (4) : Fixed or Movable segment (5) : Shared or Nonshared segment (6) : Preload or Load on call segment (7) : Execute/read or Execute-only if code, Read/Write or Read-only if data (8) : Relocation table present or not (9) : Privilege level (10): Discardable or Nondiscardable segment Page 15 3. Hints to determine TRAP-D module To find the TRAP-D module, set the CSLIM value found in the TRAP-D panel to segment length (-l switch), instead of DSLIM, ESLIM or SSLIM since the data segments (DS, ES and SS) may have been allocated or reallocated after the process started. process started. You had better set IP value(by -I switch). When two or more modules are found, you can determine TRAP-D module from disassembled code. For example, TRAP-D may not occur on the following instructions mov ax, 0 inc cx : etc. and the following instructions have potential of TRAP-D (or TRAP-C). TRAP-D occurs on the following condition. pop ax <--- sp exceeds SSLIM (In this case TRAP-C will occur). les bx, es:Õbx+siå <--- bx+si exceeds ESLIM or ES is invalid rep movs <--- si exceeds DSLIM or di exceeds ESLIM : etc. NETSESS2 program operation The NETSESS2 program obtains and prints session statistics which are kept by the LAN adapter card (or NETBEUI in the case of the Token Ring). The session statistics may be obtained for the local station only. The syntax of the NETSESS2 command line is as follows: netsess2 Õ-å Õå The optional flag - indicates use of the alternative LAN adapter specified instead of the default which is LAN adapter 0. Possible values for are 1, 2, and 3. If the optional is specified, only the statistics for sessions with that local name will be printed. Otherwise statistics for all sessions will be printed. The session statistics printed appear as follows: Session statistics for local station Number of Sessions in progress = 03 LSN Status Local Name Remote Name Rcv Send --- ------- ---------------- ---------------- --- ---- 003 Session morbius YKTLAN1 001 000 004 Session jeffat robbi 001 001 005 Session morbius altair 001 000 Page 16 Receive Datagram commands outstanding 000 Receive Any commands outstanding 004 The column labeled 'LSN' contains the Local Session Numbers which are assigned to each session by the LAN adapter. The column labeled 'Status' contains keywords indicating the status of the session. See the Tech. Ref. Manual for explanations of these status conditions. The column labeled 'Local Name' contains the LAN adapter name used at the local adapter in the CALL or LISTEN command that established the session. The column labeled 'Remote Name' contains the LAN adapter name used at the remote adapter in the CALL or LISTEN command that established the session. The column labeled 'Rcv' contains the number of outstanding RECEIVE commands for this session. The column labeled 'Send' contains the number of outstanding SEND commands for this session. The two lines following the tabular information contain the number of outstanding RECEIVE DATAGRAM commands, and the number of outstanding RECEIVE ANY commands, respectively. Page 17