EDSYTEST 8 Memory Expansion Option(s) U;This test may take up to 5 minutes Please stand by... Ue Memory Expansion Option failure. Have the system unit serviced. U Replace the Memory Expansion Option. Install existing Memory Module Kit(s) on a new Option. Uw Replace Memory [ ] [ CN1 ] Module Kit: [ ] [ ] Uw Replace Memory [ ] [ ] Module Kit: [ ] [ CN2 ] Uw Replace Memory [ CN3 ] [ ] Module Kit: [ ] [ ] Uw Replace Memory [ ] [ ] Module Kit: [ CN4 ] [ ] UNo Memory Expansion Option found in any of the system slots. If one is present in system, change it to a different slot and re-run test. If Option still not found, replace Option. If it is found, replace the system board. U~No Memory Expansion Option found in any of the system slots. If one is present in system, have the system unit serviced. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1987,1988 ̀u. . Puu͌6pU6r͞ . uw>u>u=uK}tX!tMMtEt=t5%t-5ty:wt wuc3w2xRxuPwx|1࣊Xy:wtwGGðlȰe5Zذ6S+;t@RQP. <XuU.>  uUwj'> tU.>  uUwJ. &wYZá+-|+/|+1}UU UUÍ6p6x͟RP$$XZRPwXZRPXZPR$R13Z3%u8֋;>t);u #>;u뻡#>_ð . 麠11=?~?+~ @1+Ⱥ1$RPQ11YXZð. LG>u3z 1PSQRZY[Xǃ1PQ++YXԹPQێ++2uEێ++Ĭ2u'YXGF2PR$$ ZXYXĊR1X1t@RP11XZð. V #z 3uC3袕6x6p6t6v͠6p6t͠ذpqQYutV3^P.X2!@9t맠6p6t͠ذpqU++V6p6t͠ ͌u6x6p6t6v͠6p6t͠غU++;tPXl. v6p6t͠pqu>t2sa a$a3ҹ++҉3tmu3u^53uRa$tuBU++ˋ+3u*a$tu#tUt t Uƺ+鸪UU+UU3uܭ3ua$tAuH+˃@H+˃5u u5u+a$tRQVWUa a$a++ˊªG+Fta$ta a$aˊªG˾Fta$tAa a$auut3]_^YZøRPXZQ333YQ5u)Љ5uFFYNN5u5uNN3Yú$ a a$aÌ ã6