AdapterId 0EFEFh AdapterName "PC Network Adapter " NumBytes 1 NamedItem Prompt "Type, Memory Location, Interrupt Level" choice "Primary, Mem 1, Int 2" pos[0] = 1X00010Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 2 mem 0C8000h - 0CFFFFh choice "Primary, Mem 2, Int 2" pos[0] = 1X00001Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 2 mem 0D0000h - 0D7FFFh choice "Primary, Mem 3, Int 2" pos[0] = 1X00011Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 2 mem 0D8000h - 0DFFFFh choice "Primary, Mem 1, Int 3" pos[0] = 1X01010Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 3 mem 0C8000h - 0CFFFFh choice "Primary, Mem 2, Int 3" pos[0] = 1X01001Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 3 mem 0D0000h - 0D7FFFh choice "Primary, Mem 3, Int 3" pos[0] = 1X01011Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 3 mem 0D8000h - 0DFFFFh choice "Alternate, Mem 1, Int 3" pos[0] = 0X01110Xb io 0628h - 062Fh int 3 mem 0CE000h - 0CFFFFh choice "Alternate, Mem 2, Int 3" pos[0] = 0X01101Xb io 0628h - 062Fh int 3 mem 0D6000h - 0D7FFFh choice "Alternate, Mem 3, Int 3" pos[0] = 0X01111Xb io 0628h - 062Fh int 3 mem 0DE000h - 0DFFFFh choice "RPL, Mem 1, Int 2" pos[0] = 1X10010Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 2 mem 0C8000h - 0CFFFFh choice "RPL, Mem 2, Int 2" pos[0] = 1X10001Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 2 mem 0D0000h - 0D7FFFh choice "RPL, Mem 3, Int 2" pos[0] = 1X10011Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 2 mem 0D8000h - 0DFFFFh choice "RPL, Mem 1, Int 3" pos[0] = 1X11010Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 3 mem 0C8000h - 0CFFFFh choice "RPL, Mem 2, Int 3" pos[0] = 1X11001Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 3 mem 0D0000h - 0D7FFFh choice "RPL, Mem 3, Int 3" pos[0] = 1X11011Xb io 0620h - 0627h int 3 mem 0D8000h - 0DFFFFh Help "To configure this adapter you may choose the adapter type, memory location, and interrupt level. The three adapter types are primary, alternate, and Remote Program Load (RPL). There are three memory locations for each adapter type. The primary adapter and the RPL adapter may use one of two interrupt levels, while the alternate adapter uses interrupt level 3. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change this assignment. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk and must be changed."