AdapterID 08EFEh AdapterName "IBM PS/2 SCSI Adapter" NumBytes 3 fixedresources pos[2]=1XxxxxxXb pos[1]=XXXXXXXXb pos[0]=xxxxXXXXb int 0eh exec nameditem Prompt "I/O Address" Choice "3540-3547" pos[0]=XXXX000Xb io 3540h-3547h Choice "3548-354F" pos[0]=XXXX001Xb io 3548h-354Fh Choice "3550-3557" pos[0]=XXXX010Xb io 3550h-3557h Choice "3558-355F" pos[0]=XXXX011Xb io 3558h-355Fh Choice "3560-3567" pos[0]=XXXX100Xb io 3560h-3567h Choice "3568-356F" pos[0]=XXXX101Xb io 3568h-356Fh Choice "3570-3577" pos[0]=XXXX110Xb io 3570h-3577h Choice "3578-357F" pos[0]=XXXX111Xb io 3578h-357Fh Help "This allows you to choose the I/O address for the adapter. Each adapter must have a unique address range. Under normal circumstances, this address range does not need to be changed. Use the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys to change this assignment in the 'Change configuration' window. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk and must be changed to use the adapter." nameditem Prompt "DMA Arbitration Level" Choice "Level C" pos[1]=XXXX1100b arb 0ch Choice "Level D" pos[1]=XXXX1101b arb 0dh Choice "Level E" pos[1]=XXXX1110b arb 0eh Choice "Level 1" pos[1]=XXXX0001b arb 1 Choice "Level 3" pos[1]=XXXX0011b arb 3 Choice "Level 5" pos[1]=XXXX0101b arb 5 Choice "Level 6" pos[1]=XXXX0110b arb 6 Choice "Level 7" pos[1]=XXXX0111b arb 7 Choice "Level 8" pos[1]=XXXX1000b arb 8 Choice "Level 9" pos[1]=XXXX1001b arb 9 Choice "Level A" pos[1]=XXXX1010b arb 0ah Choice "Level B" pos[1]=XXXX1011b arb 0bh Help "This selects the DMA channel the adapter will use to transfer data. Under normal circumstances, select . Use the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys to change this assignment in the 'Change configuration' window." nameditem Prompt "Fairness On/Off" Choice "On" pos[1]=XXX1XXXXb Choice "Off" pos[1]=XXX0XXXXb Help "Bus Arbitration Fairness. This controls whether the adapter will release control of the bus when it has been using it exclusively. Under normal circumstances, select . Use the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys to change this assignment in the 'Change configuration' window." nameditem Prompt "ROM Wait State Disable" Choice "Enable Wait State" pos[2]=XXXXXXX0b Choice "No Wait State" pos[2]=XXXXXXX1b Help "This allows you to set whether a wait state is added to accesses of the ROM on the adapter. Adapter performance could be degraded if this is altered from the default. Under normal circumstances, select . Use the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys to change this assignment in the 'Change configuration' window." nameditem Prompt "SCSI Adapter Address (ID)" Choice "7" pos[1]=111XXXXXb Choice "6" pos[1]=110XXXXXb Choice "5" pos[1]=101XXXXXb Choice "4" pos[1]=100XXXXXb Choice "3" pos[1]=011XXXXXb Choice "2" pos[1]=010XXXXXb Choice "1" pos[1]=001XXXXXb Choice "0" pos[1]=000XXXXXb Help "This allows you to change the SCSI ID of the adapter. Under normal circumstances, select <7>. Use the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys to change this assignment in the 'Change configuration' window."