AdapterId 07FF9h AdapterName "IOMEGA PC4 Host Adapter Board" NumBytes 4 NamedItem Prompt "Type of first fixed disk." Choice "32" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "33" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "34" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "35" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "36" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "37" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "38" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "39" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "40" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "41" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "42" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "43" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "44" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "45" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "46" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "47" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "48" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Help "Select a drive type that matches the installed hard disk. 0 Indicates no hard disk is installed. Valid drive types are 1 through 32." NamedItem Prompt "Type of second fixed disk." Choice "00" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "33" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "34" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "35" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "36" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "37" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "38" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "39" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "40" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "41" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "42" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "43" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "44" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "45" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "46" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "47" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Choice "48" pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb Help "Select a drive type that matches the installed hard disk. 0 Indicates no hard disk is installed. Valid drive types are 1 through 32." NamedItem Prompt "Host Adapter Board Interrupt Level" choice "INT LEVEL 5" pos[0]=XX01XXXXb INT 5 choice "INT LEVEL 6" pos[0]=XX00XXXXb INT 6 choice "INT LEVEL 7" pos[0]=XX10XXXXb INT 7 choice "INT LEVEL 9" pos[0]=XX11XXXXb INT 9 Help "Set the Host Adapter Board Interrupt Level so it will not conflict with other interrupting devices. Diskettes are usually level 6." NamedItem Prompt "I/O Address Select" choice "240" pos[0]=XXXX001Xb io 00240h-0025Fh choice "340" pos[0]=XXXX010Xb io 00340h-0035Fh choice "400" pos[0]=XXXX011Xb io 00400h-0041Fh choice "420" pos[0]=XXXX100Xb io 00420h-0043Fh choice "3240" pos[0]=XXXX101Xb io 03240h-0325Fh choice "8240" pos[0]=XXXX110Xb io 08240h-0825Fh choice "A240" pos[0]=XXXX111Xb io 0A240h-0A25Fh choice "Disabled" pos[0]=XXXX000Xb Help "You may set the PC4 adapter to any one of the I/O Addresses listed. The first choice is recommended. Make your selection by using the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys. If your selection conflicts with an I/O address already assigned in your system, it will be marked with an asterisk and you must select an alternate address." NamedItem Prompt "DMA Level Select" choice "DMA Level 5" pos[1]=1XXX0101b arb 5 choice "DMA Level 6" pos[1]=1XXX0110b arb 6 choice "DMA Level 7" pos[1]=1XXX0111b arb 7 Help "The PC4 supports the direct memory access (DMA) mode of data transfer. Each DMA level has a corresponding priority level; the lower the DMA level, the higher the corresponding priority. You may select any one of the DMA levels listed by using the F5=Previous or the F6=Next keys. We recommend you select the first level listed, DMA level 5. If your selection conflicts with a DMA level already assigned in the system, it will be marked with an asterisk and you must select an alternative level." NamedItem Prompt "Fairness" choice "Fairness Enabled" pos[1]=XXX1XXXXb choice "Fairness Disabled" pos[1]=XXX0XXXXb Help "If 'Fairness' is enabled, the PC4 adapter will not compete for the channel during the next arbitration phase if it is currently in control of the channel. This allows other installed adapters to obtain the channel in the next sequence based on each adapter's assigned priority level. When 'Fairness' is disabled, the adapter will compete for every arbitration phase and will obtain more than its fair share of channel usage. We recommend you use 'Fairness Enabled' for all adapters. Select this option using the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys." NamedItem Prompt "Preempt Count Select" choice "7 Bytes" pos[1]=X11XXXXXb Help "When the PC4 detects that another adapter requires use of the channel, the Preempt Count feature is activated. The Preempt Count is the maximum number of bytes to transfer before yielding control of the channel. The PC4 will always transfer a maximum of 7 bytes before relinquishing control of the channel." NamedItem Prompt "Extended Data Area Select" choice "Data Select 0" pos[2]=0000XXXXb 00.ADF ; If the configuration file does NOT have the NOWAITF1 flag then this file ; will be parsed in and displayed. ; Let SETUP know this will require a valid CMOS signature to have effect PSignature ;****************************************************************** ; CMOS 701 - POST F1 key control ; bit 0 = Diskette error. ; 1 - Do not wait for F1 key ; 0 - Wait for F1 key ; bit 1 = CRT (video) error. ; 1 - Do not wait for F1 key ; 0 - Wait fonded bios data area also. The default is 80H, with increments of 80H."