AdapterId 06222h AdapterName "The NCI 4700 PCI/MC" NumBytes 3 FixedResources pos[0]=XXXXXXXXb pos[2]=1X000110b io 0220h-022Fh 02D0h-02DFh int 2 mem 0CC000h-0CFFFFh NamedItem Prompt "Adapter Feature selection" Choice "REMOTE IPL" pos[1]=XXXXXXX1b Choice "LOCAL IPL" pos[1]=XXXXXXX0b Help "You must choose the adapter features you wish to run with. REMOTE IPl means to Boot the system from the 4702. LOCAL IPL means to Boot the system from the local hard disk." NamedItem Prompt "Adapter Feature selection" Choice "DISKETTE ENABLE" pos[1]=XXXXXX0Xb Choice "DISKETTE DISABLE" pos[1]=XXXXXX1Xb Help "You must choose the adapter features you wish to run with. DISKETTE ENABLE means that the diskette drives are available if present. DISKETTE DISABLE means the diskette drives are disabled and not available to be used." NamedItem Prompt "Adapter Feature selection" Choice "PRIMARY DOS" pos[1]=XXXXX1XXb Choice "SECONDARY DOS" pos[1]=XXXXX0XXb Help "You must choose the adapter features you wish to run with. PRIMARY DOS means to boot the system as if there were no dual DOS system. SECONDARY DOS means to boot the system from the secondary DOS system on the remote reset volume." NamedItem Prompt "Adapter Feature selection" Choice "IPL OVERRIDE" pos[1]=XXXX1XXXb Choice "NO IPL OVERRIDE" pos[1]=XXXX0XXXb Help "You must choose the adapter features you wish to run with. IPL OVERRIDE means that the operator may choose an alternanate IPL by pressing F1. NO IPL OVERRIDE means that no override of the ipl device is possible."