AdapterId 0611Bh AdapterName "LaserMaster Controller" NumBytes 4 FixedResources pos[0] = xxxx1xx1b pos[1] = xxxxxxxxb pos[2] = xxxxxxxxb pos[3] = xxxx1010b NamedItem Prompt "I/O Address Assignment" Choice "280H" pos[1] = 10000000b pos[2] = 00000010b io 0280h - 028Fh Choice "180H" pos[1] = 10000000b pos[2] = 00000001b io 0180h - 018Fh Help "Select an I/O address that does not conflict with other adapters in the system." NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt Level Assignment" Choice "Level 3" pos[0] = xxxxx00xb int 3 Choice "Level 4" pos[0] = xxxxx01xb int 4 Choice "Level 7" pos[0] = xxxxx10xb int 7 Choice "Level 9" pos[0] = xxxxx11xb int 9 Help "Select an Interrupt Level that does not conflict with other adapters in the system."