; CUMULUS CURAM-16 PLUS MEMORY MULTIFUNCTION ADAPTER ; Copyright (c) Cumulus Corporation 1987, 1988, 1989. All rights reserved AdapterId 6022h AdapterName "Cumulus CuRAM-16 Plus 6 MB Memory Multifunction Adapter" Numbytes 4 NamedItem Prompt "Expanded Memory Auto Selected at Port" choice " 200h " pos[2]=x000000xb io 200h - 20fh 4200h - 420fh 8200h - 820fh choice " 220h " pos[2]=x000010xb io 220h - 22fh 4220h - 422fh 8220h - 822fh choice " 240h " pos[2]=x000100xb io 240h - 24fh 4240h - 424fh 8240h - 824fh choice " 250h " pos[2]=x000101xb io 250h - 25fh 4250h - 425fh 8250h - 825fh choice " 260h " pos[2]=x000110xb io 260h - 26fh 4260h - 426fh 8260h - 826fh choice " 270h " pos[2]=x000111xb io 270h - 27fh 4270h - 427fh 8270h - 827fh choice " 280h " pos[2]=x001000xb io 280h - 28fh 4280h - 428fh 8280h - 828fh choice " 290h " pos[2]=x001001xb io 290h - 29fh 4290h - 429fh 8290h - 829fh choice " 2A0h " pos[2]=x001010xb io 2A0h - 2Afh 42A0h - 42Afh 82A0h - 82Afh choice " 2B0h " pos[2]=x001011xb io 2B0h - 2Bfh 42B0h - 42Bfh 82B0h - 82Bfh choice " 2C0h " pos[2]=x001100xb io 2C0h - 2Cfh 42C0h - 42Cfh 82C0h - 82Cfh choice " 2D0h " pos[2]=x001101xb io 2D0h - 2Dfh 42D0h - 42Dfh 82D0h - 82Dfh choice " 2E0h " pos[2]=x001110xb io 2E0h - 2Efh 42E0h - 42Efh 82E0h - 82Efh choice " 2F0h " pos[2]=x001111xb io 2F0h - 2Ffh 42F0h - 42Ffh 82F0h - 82Ffh choice " 300h " pos[2]=x010000xb io 300h - 30fh 4300h - 430fh 8300h - 830fh choice " 310h " pos[2]=x010001xb io 310h - 31fh 4310h - 431fh 8310h - 831fh choice " 320h " pos[2]=x010010xb io 320h - 32fh 4320h - 432fh 8320h - 832fh choice " 330h " pos[2]=x010011xb io 330h - 33fh 4330h - 433fh 8330h - 833fh choice " 340h " pos[2]=x010100xb io 340h - 34fh 4340h - 434fh 8340h - 834fh choice " 350h " pos[2]=x010101xb io 350h - 35fh 4350h - 435fh 8350h - 835fh choice " 360h " pos[2]=x010110xb io 360h - 36fh 4360h - 436fh 8360h - 836fh choice " 370h " pos[2]=x010111xb io 370h - 37fh 4370h - 437fh 8370h - 837fh choice " 380h " pos[2]=x011000xb io 380h - 38fh 4380h - 438fh 8380h - 838fh choice " 390h " pos[2]=x011001xb io 390h - 39fh 4390h - 439fh 8390h - 839fh choice " 3A0h " pos[2]=x011010xb io 3A0h - 3Afh 43A0h - 43Afh 83A0h - 83Afh choice " 3B0h " pos[2]=x011011xb io 3B0h - 3Bfh 43B0h - 43Bfh 83B0h - 83Bfh choice " 3C0h " pos[2]=x011100xb io 3C0h - 3Cfh 43C0h - 43Cfh 83C0h - 83Cfh choice " 3D0h " pos[2]=x011101xb io 3D0h - 3Dfh 43D0h - 43Dfh 83D0h - 83Dfh choice " 3E0h " pos[2]=x011110xb io 3E0h - 3Efh 43E0h - 43Efh 83E0h - 83Efh choice " 3F0h " pos[2]=x011111xb io 3F0h - 3Ffh 43F0h - 43Ffh 83F0h - 83Ffh choice " Disable I/O ports " pos[2]=x1xxxxxxb Help "The Expanded Memory Port Address is the I/O port address used by the Expanded Memory Manager to control page mapping registers for Expanded Memory. It is generally selected automatically by this configuration program and usually does not have to be changed manually. You can change it if necessary to accomodate another adapter which conflicts. The [Disable I/O Ports] option should only be selected if the entire CuRAM-16 Plus memory is configured as Extended Memory." NamedItem Prompt "Total Usable System Memory is" choice "a multiple of 1024 KB" pos[0]=xxxxxx01b pos[1]=0xxxxxxxb choice "not a multiple of 1024 KB" pos[0]=xxxxxx11b pos[1]=1xxxxxxxb Help "The amount of usable system memory is shown in the Total System Memory section at the top of the Configuration Window. If the amount of usable system memory is a multiple of 1024 KB (1024, 2048, 3072, 4096 ...), select the [a multiple of 1024 KB] option. Otherwise, select [not a multiple of 1024 KB] option." NamedItem Prompt "Extended Memory Starting Address" choice "All Expanded Memory" pos[3]=111xxxxxb choice "1024KB (1.0MB)" pos[3]=110111xxb pos[1]=x0000xxxb choice "2048KB (2.0MB)" pos[3]=110111xxb pos[1]=x1000xxxb choice "3072KB (3.0MB)" pos[3]=110110xxb pos[1]=x0001xxxb choice "4096KB (4.0MB)" pos[3]=110110xxb pos[1]=x1001xxxb choice "5120KB (5.0MB)" pos[3]=110101xxb pos[1]=x0010xxxb choice "6144KB (6.0MB)" pos[3]=110101xxb pos[1]=x1010xxxb choice "7168KB (7.0MB)" pos[3]=110100xxb pos[1]=x0011xxxb choice "8192KB (8.0MB)" pos[3]=110100xxb pos[1]=x1011xxxb choice "9216KB (9.0MB)" pos[3]=110011xxb pos[1]=x0100xxxb choice "10240KB (10.0MB)" pos[3]=110011xxb pos[1]=x1100xxxb choice "11264KB (11.0MB)" pos[3]=110010xxb pos[1]=x0101xxxb choice "12288KB (12.0MB)" pos[3]=110010xxb pos[1]=x1101xxxb choice "13312KB (13.0MB)" pos[3]=110001xxb pos[1]=x0110xxxb choice "14336KB (14.0MB)" pos[3]=110001xxb pos[1]=x1110xxxb Help "This number indicates where the start of the Extended Memory for this adapter is to be mapped in the system's memory. If no Extended Memory is to be used, set this selection to [All Expanded Memory]. If Extended Memory is to be used, set this number to the amount of memory in the system below the CuRAM-16 Plus memory (usually 1024KB)." NamedItem Prompt "Extended Memory Ending Address" choice "3072KB (3.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx001b choice "4096KB (4.0MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx001b choice "5120KB (5.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx010b choice "6144KB (6.0MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx010b choice "7168KB (7.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx011b choice "8192KB (8.0MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx011b choice "9216KB (9.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx100b choice "10240KB (10.0MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx100b choice "11264KB (11.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx101b choice "12288KB (12.0MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx101b choice "13312KB (13.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx110b choice "14336KB (14.0MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx110b choice "15360KB (15.0MB)" pos[1]=x0xxx111b choice "15872KB (15.5MB)" pos[1]=x1xxx000b Help "This number indicates where the end of the Extended Memory for this adapter will fall in the system's memory. If no Extended Memory is to be used, this selection is ignored. If Extended Memory is to be used, set this number to the sum of Starting Address and the amount of Extended Memory to be allocated on the CuRAM-16 Plus. The CuRAM-16 Plus memory must be allocated in 2Mb increments. The remaining memory will be allocated as Expanded Memory." NamedItem Prompt "Serial Port Enable" choice "Disable Serial Port" pos[0]=xxxxx0x1b choice "COM1 configuration" pos[0]=xxxx0101b io 3f8h - 3ffh int 4 choice "COM2 configuration" pos[0]=xxxx1101b io 2f8h - 2ffh int 3 choice "COM3 configuration" pos[0]=xxxx0111b io 3220h - 3227h int 3 choice "COM4 configuration" pos[0]=xxxx1111b io 3228h - 322fh int 3 Help "If an optional Serial Communications Port (e.g. Cumulus Module-SP) is installed, select the desired COM port setting for that port. Otherwise, select the [Disable Serial Port] option." NamedItem Prompt "Parallel Port Enable" choice "Disable Parallel Port" pos[0]=xxx0xxx1b choice "LPT1" pos[0]=1001xxx1b io 3BCh - 3BFh int 7 choice "LPT1 extended" pos[0]=0001xxx1b io 3BCh - 3BFh int 7 choice "LPT2" pos[0]=1011xxx1b io 378h - 37bh int 7 choice "LPT2 extended" pos[0]=0011xxx1b io 378h - 37bh int 7 choice "LPT3" pos[0]=1101xxx1b io 278h - 27bh int 7 choice "LPT3 extended" pos[0]=0101xxx1b io 278h - 27bh int 7 Help "If an optional Parallel Port (e.g. Cumulus Module-SP) is installed, select the desired LPT designation for that port. Otherwise, select the [Disable Parallel Port] option."