; Madge MCA Ring Node ; Adapter Description File ; ; Version: 1.01 ; ; Copyright (c) 1987 Madge Networks Ltd. AdapterId 0803h AdapterName "Madge MCA Ring Node" NumBytes 2 FixedResources POS[1]=10000000b NamedItem Prompt "Primary/Alternate Adapter" Choice "Alternate - Interrupt Level 9" POS[0]=100XXXXXb IO 1A20h - 1A2Fh INT 2 Choice "Alternate - Interrupt Level 3" POS[0]=010XXXXXb IO 1A20h - 1A2Fh INT 3 Choice "Alternate - Interrupt Level 10" POS[0]=110XXXXXb IO 1A20h - 1A2Fh INT 10 Choice "Primary - Interrupt Level 3" POS[0]=011XXXXXb IO 0A20h - 0A2Fh INT 3 Choice "Primary - Interrupt Level 10" POS[0]=111XXXXXb IO 0A20h - 0A2Fh INT 10 Choice "Primary - Interrupt Level 9" POS[0]=101XXXXXb IO 0A20h - 0A2Fh INT 2 Help "PRIMARY/ALTERNATE ADAPTER: Up to two MCA Ring Nodes may be installed. If just one Node is installed, it may be set-up as either the Primary or the Alternate adapter; if two Nodes are installed, one must be set-up as the Primary adapter and the other as the Alternate adapter. An MCA Ring Node may share an Interrupt Level with any other adapter, but performance may be improved by using a different Interrupt Level for each adapter. Use the F5=Previous and F6=Next keys to change this assignment if you are in the 'Change Configuration' window." NamedItem Prompt "Arbitration Level" Choice "Level 8" POS[0]=XXX1000Xb ARB 8 Choice "Level 9" POS[0]=XXX1001Xb ARB 9 Choice "Level 10" POS[0]=XXX1010Xb ARB 10 Choice "Level 11" POS[0]=XXX1011Xb ARB 11 Choice "Level 12" POS[0]=XXX1100Xb ARB 12 Choice "Level 13" POS[0]=XXX1101Xb ARB 13 Choice "Level 14" POS[0]=XXX1110Xb ARB 14 Help "ARBITRATION LEVEL: The Arbitration Level need only be changed if it is in conflict with another adapter. Any such conflict is marked with an asterisk. Use the F5=Previous and F6=Next keys to change this assignment if you are in the 'Change Configuration' window."