AdapterId 0704Eh AdapterName "Video Capture Adapter/A" NumBytes 4 fixedresources pos[1]=11111111b pos[2]=00000000b NamedItem Prompt "Video Storage Address Select" Choice "C0000-C3FFF" pos[0]=1110XXXXb mem 0C0000h - 0C3fffh Choice "D0000-DFFFF" pos[0]=0000XXXXb mem 0d0000h - 0dffffh Choice "D4000-DBFFF" pos[0]=0001XXXXb mem 0d4000h - 0dbfffh Choice "D8000-DFFFF" pos[0]=0010XXXXb mem 0d8000h - 0dffffh Choice "D0000-D3FFF,D8000-DBFFF" pos[0]=0011XXXXb mem 0d0000h-0d3fffh 0d8000h-0dbfffh Choice "D0000-D3FFF,DC000-DFFFF" pos[0]=0100XXXXb mem 0d0000h-0d3fffh 0dC000h-0dffffh Choice "D4000-D7FFF,DC000-DFFFF" pos[0]=0101XXXXb mem 0d4000h-0d7fffh 0dC000h-0dffffh Choice "D0000-D3FFF,CC000-CFFFF" pos[0]=0110XXXXb mem 0d0000h-0d3fffh 0CC000h-0Cffffh Choice "D0000-D3FFF,C0000-C3FFF" pos[0]=0111XXXXb mem 0d0000h-0d3fffh 0C0000h-0C3fffh Choice "D4000-D7FFF,C0000-C3FFF" pos[0]=1000XXXXb mem 0d4000h-0d7fffh 0C0000h-0C3fffh Choice "D4000-D7FFF,CC000-CFFFF" pos[0]=1001XXXXb mem 0d4000h-0d7fffh 0CC000h-0Cffffh Choice "D8000-DBFFF,C0000-C3FFF" pos[0]=1010XXXXb mem 0d8000h-0dbfffh 0C0000h-0C3fffh Choice "D8000-DBFFF,CC000-CFFFF" pos[0]=1011XXXXb mem 0d8000h-0dbfffh 0CC000h-0Cffffh Choice "CC000-CFFFF" pos[0]=1100XXXXb mem 0cc000h-0cffffh Choice "D8000-DBFFF" pos[0]=1101XXXXb mem 0d8000h-0dbfffh Choice "F60000-FFFFFF,CC000-CFFFF" pos[0]=1111XXXXb mem 0f60000h-0ffffffh 0cc000h-0cffffh Help "This selects which system memory addresses will be dedicated to this adapter. A choice of memory space at D4000 to DBFFF or D8000 to DFFFF is recommended. This assignment need be changed only if it is in conflict with another assignment. At least 2 16k blocks are recommended for card memory to card memory operations. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change selection if you are in the 'Change configuration' window. If another choice must be made, try to use a selection with the most pages. The protect mode selection may be used if your operating system supports 'protect mode' such as OS/2. DOS does not support 'protect mode'." NamedItem Prompt "I/O Address Select" choice "5D00-5D0F" pos[0]=XXXX000Xb io 5D00h-5D0Fh choice "5D10-5D1F" pos[0]=XXXX001Xb io 5D10h-5D1Fh choice "7F00-7F0F" pos[0]=XXXX010Xb io 7F00h-7F0Fh choice "7F10-7F1F" pos[0]=XXXX011Xb io 7F10h-7F1Fh choice "DD00-DD0F" pos[0]=XXXX100Xb io 0DD00h-0DD0Fh choice "DD10-DD1F" pos[0]=XXXX101Xb io 0DD10h-0DD1Fh choice "FF00-FF0F" pos[0]=XXXX110Xb io 0FF00h-0FF0Fh choice "FF10-FF1F" pos[0]=XXXX111Xb io 0FF10h-0FF1Fh Help "This selects which I/O port addresses will be dedicated to this adapter. The choice, 5D00-5D0F, is recommended. This assignment need only be changed if it is in conflict with another assignment. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change the selection if you are in the 'Change configuration' window." NamedItem Prompt "Interrupt Channel Select" choice "Interrupt 3 " pos[3]=110000XXb int 3 choice "Interrupt 5 " pos[3]=110010XXb int 4 choice "Interrupt 7 " pos[3]=110100XXb int 5 choice "Interrupt 9 " pos[3]=110110XXb int 9 choice "Interrupt 10" pos[3]=111000XXb int 10 choice "Interrupt 11" pos[3]=111010XXb int 11 choice "Interrupt 12" pos[3]=111100XXb int 12 choice "Interrupt 15" pos[3]=111110XXb int 15 Help "This selects which interrupt channel the adapter will use to signal an event. The choice, interrupt 3, is recommended. This assignment need only be changed if it is in conflict with another assignment. Conflicting assignments are marked with an asterisk. Use the F5=Previous and the F6=Next keys to change the selection if you are in the 'Change configuration' window. The selected interrupt is disabled."