Intel EtherExpress MC Ethernet Adapter

ADF (628B)
Drivers and Files (to Intel)
Experiences (is there a speed limit for this adapter?)

Intel EtherExpress

U1 - Marked "Ethernet Address" (see determining your adapter's hardware (MAC) address below)
U2 - Intel N82586-10
U4 - Intel N82503
U5 - Valor FL1020-001
U6 - Toshiba TC511664BJ-80
U8 - Intel µPD65062GD-060
U8 - Intel 'Flash' (looks to be a boot ROM) 1992 Copyright
T1 - Fil-Mag 23Z91SM
X1 - 20.000MHz

P3 - RJ45 Ethernet
P4 - External AUI Transceiver

Leds (D1, 2) Transmit, Receive, Link and Polarity

Determining Your Adapter's Hardware (MAC) Address

Note: This is not yet proven and may very well be wrong.

At the top of the adapter (see "Enet Addrs" text in outline) is printed the text "Ethernet Address". Along with the text there is a set of six numbers and "x" characters with an arrow pointing down to U1's outline. I believe this means that the set of numbers printed on the adapter card is permanent, as the numbers take this form:


I think the "x" digits are to be replaced by the numbers printed on the IC at U1, therefore (in the case of my adapter):

00AA003A4203 (there's an $ after this, but that isn't a valid MAC address character!)


Chipset-wise this adapter is built around some of the same components as the 3Com 3C523(TP). The 3Com card is a decent performer and can give you close to the best possible results from a 10Mbit Ethernet line. It will do this without totally flooring the CPU.

I would expect that this Intel adapter offers about the same performance. Alfred Arnold did some speed testing on this and a few other MCA Ethernet cards. You can find the results here and it does look like the 3C523 and EtherExpress are close.


I put this adapter into a Model 77 Lacuna outfitted with a POD83 CPU. It would not run properly or attempt to link up. At no time did the adapter's LEDs come on. The copy of Windows 95 running on this system did not complain of the network adapter being incorrectly configured.

A later attempt at using this adapter in a much slower system (a Model 53SLC2) resulted in it working properly.

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