Last Update: 02-16-94 ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ ITEMS ADDRESSED IN THIS FILE บ ศ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ผ INSTALLATION AND SETUP OF THE ACCELERATOR CARD ACTIVATING THE ACCELERATOR CARD DOS -- VERSION SOFTWARE INSTALLATION INSTALL.EXE for installation Manual installation SOFTWARE OPTIONS Manual selections INSTALL.EXE as a utility program OS/2 -- VERSION SOFTWARE INSTALLATION APPLICATIONS and THE ACCELERATOR CARD KNOWN SOFTWARE ISSUES LOTUS123 V3.1/3.1+ QEMM-386 for DOS BlueMAX Memory Manager DOS Memory Managers STACKER DISK COMPRESSION MICROSOFT WINDOWS V3.1 MICROSOFT MS-DOS V6.0 MemMaker SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MODIFICATIONS ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬออ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออสอออป บ INSTALLATION AND SETUP OF THE ACCELERATOR CARD บ ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ Refer to the accelerator card installation manual for complete installation details. Turn off all power and remove the line power cord. Refer to the system manual and remove the system cover. Make a note of the cards in the system options slots and remove all of them to allow access to the 286 processor. Remove the 286 processor - using an appropriate chip removal tool. Note the position of the bevel (pin 1) on the processor chip and corresponding location on the socket. If your system has a math co-processor (80287) it must also be removed. Install the upgrade card -- note the bevel indication in the PGA/PLCC pin area (on the bottom side of the card) and orient the card so that it is positioned the same as pin 1 of the 286 which you removed. Reinstall the optional cards in their previous slots. Plug in the power cord Turn on the power and allow the system to boot up. If you removed a co-processor you will need to boot from your backup reference diskette and answer Y to the reconfigure question. After the system has been re-configured, remove the back-up reference diskette and re-boot the computer. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬออ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออสออออป บ ACTIVATING THE ACCELERATOR CARD บ ศออออออออหอ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออหออออออออผ บ DOS -- VERSION SOFTWARE บ ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ SLCCARD.SYS V4.01 1-06-94 SLCCARD.EXE V3.01 6-23-93 RSETPROC.EXE V1.00 6-11-93 SLCCARD.SYS V4.01 is a character device driver program which will enable the SLC processor to function in its enhanced mode. The driver will enable the upgrade cards SLC processor Cache, define the cachable memory and its R/O or R/W status for both the 386SLC and 486SLC2 processors. It will enable 2X clocking on the 486SLC2 processor. The driver must be installed at system boot up time in order for the upgrade card to perform properly. If the driver is not installed system performance will be degraded from what it was prior to g installing the upgrade card. SLCCARD.EXE V3.01 is a DOS executable program which writes to and reads from the driver. The driver must be installed for the program to operate. RSETPROC.EXE is a processor reset program which is called by the SLCCARD.EXE program to force a processor reset to turn the 2X clock mode on or off. This program must be in the same directory and DOS path as SLCCARD.EXE. Without this program the 2X clock mode will not change. The CONFIG.SYS file must be modified to include the DOS driver SLCCARD.SYS ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬอ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออสอออออป บ SOFTWARE INSTALLATION บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ NOTE: There are two methods to do the software installation. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ INSTALL.EXE for installation บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ A. Run the program INSTALL.EXE by typing INSTALL at the A:> prompt or B. Do the following procedure. Copy SLCCARD.SYS, SLCCARD.EXE and RSETPROC.EXE to the root directory (or any other directory of your choice) on the hard drive, or copy them onto a bootable floppy disk if you are booting from a floppy: Using any text editor add the following line as the first DEVICE= line of the CONFIG.SYS file. DEVICE=C:\(dir)\SLCCARD.SYS (NOTE C: Indicates the drive where the driver program is located, yours may be different) Most of the options available in the DOS program can also be implemented on this CONFIG.SYS device driver line. See the options list below. i.e. DEVICE=C:\(dir)\SLCCARD.SYS /ECNPX This will enable the cache (by default) and enable the math co-processor cache read capability. The program SLCCARD.EXE will allow processor options to be changed from the DOS prompt. i.e. SLCCARD /ECNPX does the same as above With the program you can enable or disable the SLC processor Cache, modify the cachable memory and/or its R/O or R/W status, enable or disable the math co-processor for either the 386SLC and 486SLC2 processors, and enable or disable 2X clock mode on the 486SLC2 processor. To run the EXE program make sure that the directory and/or drive is in the DOS path or is the current directory or drive. ie. To make A the current drive: type A: then type SLCCARD with either ? for help or /S? for status. SOFTWARE OPTIONS Note: All switches can be activated by preceding them with a /. There must be at least one blank between each switch and there must be no spaces between the switch characters (ie. /s? not / s?). Input character case does not matter. The default set-up should be used for all but special/engineering purposes. For an on screen list of options available in the program type SLCCARD followed by a space then ? and a list will be displayed. The following is a list of those switches and their operation. Options available for the executable program SLCCARD.EXE only are: ? To DISPLAY help information. /S? to DISPLAY processor status. Options available for the DOS program SLCCARD.EXE and the driver SLCCARD.SYS are: NO OPTIONS will set (in the driver) or reset (in the executable) to DEFAULT conditions. /EC to ENABLE cache (DEFAULT). /DC to DISABLE cache. /ECNPX to ENABLE NPX (FPP) cache read (CYRIX FPP ONLY). /DCNPX to DISABLE NPX (FPP) cache read (DEFAULT). NOTE: /ecnpx or /dcnpx switch must not be used if an INTEL co-processor is installed. It is useful for improving performance with a Cyrix co-processor installed. /e2xc to ENABLE double (2X) clock mode (DEFAULT). /d2xc to DISABLE double (2X) clock mode. Note: 2X clock mode is for the IBM 486SLC2 upgrade card only: CACHE REGION CONTROL OPTIONS: The following options are provided for use with special applications requiring other than the default settings. Refer to the IBM processor specifications data sheets prior to making any modifications to these parameters. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬอ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออสอออออป บ /UNCACHE= บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ Cachability of the first one meg of memory: /UNCACHE={ blank | address [,address [,..]] | [address-address] } Specifies those 64KB segments of memory in the address range 00000-FFFFF that are not to be cached. /UNCACHE= Specifies that all addresses in the range 0FFFF to FFFFF (0MB to 1MB) are to be cached. (ie. none uncached) /UNCACHE=A0000 Specifies that all addresses in the range are to be cached except for A0000-AFFFF /UNCACHE=A0000,C0000 Specifies that all addresses in the range are to be cached except A0000-AFFFF and C0000-CFFFF /UNCACHE=A0000-F0000 Specifies that all addresses in the range 00000-9FFFF are to be cached but addresses in the range A0000-FFFFF are not to be cached. This is the default when the keyword and arguments are omitted in the CONFIG.SYS DEVICE= line ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬอ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออสอออออป บ /READONLY= บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ Read/Write or Read Only consideration of first 1 Meg of memory. /READONLY={ blank | address [,address [,..]] | [address-address] } Specifies those 64KB segments of memory in the address range 00000-FFFFF that are considered read only by the cache control. /READONLY= Specifies that all addresses in the range are to be considered read/write. This is the default when the keyword and arguments are omitted in the CONFIG.SYS DEVICE= line /READONLY=A0000 Specifies that all addresses in the range are to be read/write except A0000-AFFFF /READONLY=A0000,C0000 Specifies that all addresses in the range are to be read/write except A0000-AFFFF and C0000-CFFFF /READONLY=A0000-F0000 Specifies that all addresses in the range 00000-9FFFF are to be read/write but addresses the range A0000-FFFFF are read only. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬอ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿ออสอออออป บ /MAXCACHE= บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ Cachability of memory above one meg (from 10FFFF to FFFFFF) 1MB-16MB /MAXCACHE={ blank | address } Specifies the maximum address to be cached in the address range 100000-FFFFFF (1 Meg-16Meg). if an address less than 1Meg is specified, the argument has no effect. /MAXCACHE= Specifies that no memory above 1Meg is to be cached. /MAXCACHE=03FFFF Specifies that no memory above 1Meg is to be cached.(Address specified is less than 1Meg.) /MAXCACHE=A6FFFF Specifies that addresses in the range 10000 through A6FFFF are to be cached. /MAXCACHE=FFFFFF Specifies that all memory in the system, up to 16Meg will be cached. This is the default when the argument is omitted in the CONFIG.SYS DEVICE= line NOTE: All changes made from the DOS prompt will remain in effect until a system re-boot occurs. To make permanent changes the appropriate options must be set in the device driver line of the CONFIG.SYS file ie. C:\path\SLCCARD.SYS /ECNPX /READONLY=A0000-F0000 Using any text editor which is capable of producing line lengths greater than 80 characters, modify the CONFIG.SYS file to establish the setup desired. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ INSTALL.EXE as a Utility program บ ศอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ Use INSTALL.EXE to select the desired changes and automatically modify CONFIG.SYS and/or AUTOEXEC.BAT. Any of the above options may be selected via the utility menus of the program. Features of SLCCARD.SYS version V4.01 and SLCCARD.EXE version V3.01 * The driver and DOS prompt executable programs are separate modules: SLCCARD.SYS -- Is a DRIVER which can be written to and read from. SLCCARD.EXE -- Is a DOS prompt executable which writes to and reads from the DRIVER. RSETPROC.EXE -- Is called by SLCCARD.EXE to force a processor reset for changing the 2X clock mode on the 486SLC2 * The driver program will detect whether the processor is an IBM 386SLC or 486SLC2. If it is neither, the driver will not be installed. An error message indicating a non-IBM SLC processor will be displayed. It detects the presences of a math co-processor. It cannot distinguish the type or manufacturer of the math co-processor, however. * If the driver is already installed it will not be reinstalled. * The driver displays the PS2 model ie. IBM Model: 60. * The DOS prompt executable program also detects the processor type and co-processor presence. It will not function if the DRIVER is not installed. * Most options will function either as switches from the CONFIG.SYS DEVICE= line or as options to the DOS prompt execution. * All changes made from the DOS prompt are effective immediately. * Double clock mode can be enabled and disabled immediately from the DOS prompt. * Parameter status is reported after a change is made with the executable program. ========================================================================= REFERENCE diskette modifications required (MOD 25/30/50/50Z/60): The following changes must be made to the REFERENCE diskette so that the VGA diagnostics test will not fail. Copy the program files SLCCARD.SYS, SLCCARD.EXE and RSETPROC.EXE to the root directory of the REFERENCE diskette. The CONFIG.SYS file on the MOD 50/60 REFERENCE diskette must also be modified to include DEVICE=SLCCARD.SYS as the first device= line. ========================================================================= ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออสอออป บ ACTIVATING THE ACCELERATOR CARD บ ศออออออออหออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออหออออออออผ บ OS/2 -- VERSION SOFTWARE บ ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ OS/2 SOFTWARE: OS/2 V2.0 and up with the IBM SLC Accelerator card: SOFTWARE INSTALLATION The file SLCOS220.SYS Version 1.20 (06-30-93) must be in the OS/2 root directory. Add the following statement as the last DEVICE= line in CONFIG.SYS:DEVICE = C:\OS2\SLCOS220.SYS (NOTE C: Indicates the drive where the driver program is located, yours may be different) This will enable the processor upgrade card to operate in high performance mode. There are none of the DOS type switch options available with this driver. OS/2 V1.3 will not work correctly with the Accelerator card, use version 2.0 or greater for OS/2 operation. ษออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป ฬออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออสอออป บ APPLICATIONS and THE ACCELERATOR CARD บ ศออออออออหออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออหออออออออผ บ KNOWN SOFTWARE ISSUES บ ศออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออผ ************************ LOTUS 1-2-3 (tm) V3.1/3.1+ ************************* Distributed on this diskette is a software patch kit which makes LOTUS 123 version 3.1 or 3.1+ compatible with the SLC processor. The patch kit is located in the directory names FIX123. Please read the READ.TXT file for installation instructions. The patch kit has been provided by LOTUS as free shareware on CompuServe and other BBSs. It is included here for the convenience of our customers who use or plan to use LOTUS 123 V3.1 or V3.1+ (these are the only versions for which this fix can be used). DISCLAIMER: IBM makes no claim upon this software or its effectiveness or usability. IBM does not warrant this kit in any manner expressed or implied nor does IBM accept liability for damages resulting from the use of this package. ***** Quarterdeck Extended Memory Manager-386 (QEMM-386) (tm) for DOS ***** For QEMM to operate properly the DOS driver SLCCARD.SYS "MUST" be the FIRST device driver installed from CONFIG.SYS. It MUST be installed prior to the QEMM driver. If optimization is done using the Quarterdeck option you must check that the SLCCARD.SYS driver has not been replaced as the first driver. If the SLCCARD.SYS driver is not installed properly the system performance will be severely reduced or the system may hang. The "stealth" feature in QEMM 386 V6.x may not produce reliable results. Also "stealth" may slow the system due to the use of greater overhead. The DOS executable program, SLCCARD.EXE may hang the system if operated with QEMM versions less than 7.0. One exception the order rule is: When using QEMM 7.0 and above the driver DOSDATA.SYS must be the first device driver line in the CONFIG.SYS file. SLCCARD.SYS must then be the second line. ********** BlueMAX (tm) / 386MAX (tm) DPMI Memory Manager for DOS *********** The INSTALL program for BlueMAX Version 6 may not configure the profile correctly for some applications. If a software package which requires a DPMI memory manager is to be used the line NODPMI must be removed from the file BLUEMAX.PRO. Microsoft C/C++ (tm) is one such application which requires a DPMI manager. Problems accessing a floppy drive may occur while using BlueMAX and the 486 SLC2 upgrade card in the IBM PS/2 model 50 or model 60. Adding the driver option /UNCACHE=00000,A0000-F0000 to the CONFIG.SYS DEVICE= (drive):\(path)\SLCCARD.SYS line may eliminate the problem. Uncacheing region 00000 appears to be a solution. The region range A0000-F0000 (which is the normal default) must be specified for proper operation of the upgrade card. ******************* DOS Memory Manager Software in General ******************* The SLCCARD.SYS driver must be the first driver to be installed from CONFIG.SYS. Check the CONFIG.SYS file if an INSTALL or OPTIMIZE program has been run during installation. The SLCCARD.SYS line may have been moved. The DOS executable (SLCCARD.EXE) will not function with any of the virtual mode or protected mode memory managers (ie. EMM 386, BlueMax 386 ... etc.) installed. The only feature of SLCCARD.EXE which can be used with any of these memory managers is /S? which will report the card's setup parameters. Any attempt to utilize the other features of the program from the DOS prompt may result in a system hang or a Privileged Operation Exception and require a reboot. ************************ STACKER (tm) DISK COMPRESSION *********************** For proper operation of the STACKER utility it must be installed or reinstalled after the SLC upgrade card has been installed in the system. ************************ MICROSOFT WINDOWS V3.1 ***************************** SLCCARD.EXE cannot be run from the DOS prompt of WINDOWS V3.1 ENHANCED mode. It will operate correctly in WINDOWS standard mode. Recommended operation of the executable program is from DOS rather than WINDOWS. ****************** Microsoft(R) MS-DOS(R) V6.0 MemMaker ********************** The MemMaker(R) optimization feature modifies the CONFIG.SYS file. This causes the Upgrade Card Device Driver (SLCCARD.SYS) to either be placed in expanded memory or to be removed entirely. To avoid system problems remove the DEVICE=:\\SLCCARD.SYS line from the CONFIG.SYS file, run MemMaker and then modify the resulting CONFIG.SYS file to contain the line DEVICE=:\\SLCCARD.SYS as the first line. Reboot the system. NOTE: This procedure must be done any time MemMaker is to be executed. ****************** SYSTEM CONFIGURATION MODIFICATIONS ************************* When any of the following items are present on the system, modification of the system configuration may be required for the item to function correctly. ESDI Disk Drive: After doing AUTO CONFIGURE using the system REFERENCE disk do a SET CONFIGURE and set the memory location to: C800 (hex) 80286 Memory Card: After doing AUTO CONFIGURE using the system REFERENCE disk do a SET CONFIGURE and set the memory location to: CC00 (hex) 3270 CONNECT CARD: After doing AUTO CONFIGURE using the system REFERENCE disk do a SET CONFIGURE and set the memory location to: CE00 (hex) ====================== ====== TRADEMARKS ====== ====================== Quarterdeck Extended Memory Manager-386 and (QEMM-386) are trade marks of Quarterdeck Office Systems LOTUS 1-2-3 is a trade mark of Lotus Development Corporation STACKER is a trade mark of STAC ELECTRONICS WINDOWS, MemMaker, MS-DOS and Microsoft are trade marks of MICROSOFT Corporation. BlueMAX and 386MAX are trade marks of Qualitas, Inc. ษอออออออออออออออออออออออออออออออป บ IBM UNITED STATES - WARRANTY บ ศอ฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿฿อผ This product is entitled to a full twelve (12) month warranty, in the United States only, from IBM. If your system is currently covered by an IBM U.S. on-site warranty or an IBM U.S. on-site maintenance agreement, you may call 1-800-IBM-SERV for required service. If your system is not currently covered for on-site service, please call 1-800-765-5944 to receive a replacement when service is required. END OF FILE: