About THIS Webserver:

Host Hardware:
I run this site from my humble HP DC5100SFF that I acquired from eBay for $100. Here are the specifications as of October 2015:

Total Cost of Machine: ~$320
If I hadn't become interested in servers and home networking, this little thing would've cost just $220. To me, that was far better value than purchasing a 500GB Firewire drive for over $300. The server does run round the clock, which does induce a certain electrical-cost penalty...
However, given the machine offered (offers) excellent computing value, I'm happy. Compare this, perhaps to the cost of Professional Web-Hosting and a newer, more efficient system and softwware!

More Detailed information about this particular computer may be found HERE.

You may be surprised that this site is hosted from a Virtual computer residing on my main HP server. As this site grows, the situation is certainly able to change. For the moment, however, the Virtual computer helps to maximise the operating economy of the HP (which is somewhat expensive to run).

The Virtual machine also means I can easily administer through Remote Desktop, UltraVNC or directly through the Host if I choose. It also means I can "save a machine state" in case of a power outage that would (unfairly) compromise the system's uptime stat!

The OS is Windows 2000, (NO secret is made of this) and I serve via Apache 2.2.25. There isn't anything interesting on this machine, and as far as its concerned, Port 80 is all it sees. If people can run Commodore 64 and Apple IIc WEB-servers, then Windows 2000 and a reasonably late release of Apache can't be that bad.

Random Spiel:
This Webserver mostly operates for entertainment value at present, and therefore lacks frequent updates or fancy design work. In any case, you should still find the contents of the site useful. 

Please be aware the HTML here is coded to whatever Kompozer (WYSIWYG Editor) is capable of. I don't make apologies about that.
You should still be able to view the page with older browsers, going back to the dawn of the Internet-Age, although I've found Firefox and browsers derived from it seem to display pages on this site best.
The image originally present on the homepage was obtained from here (Note: External Resource). The image now being used is ripped from a documentary called "Airplaneski!"

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